Universal EDI is the service by which a single, universal link to a service provider enables paperless document exchange with any linked trading partner, regardless of their technical requirements. UniLink bridges the partners' differences in protocol and format preferences by mapping and translating as needed. This allows each partner to send and receive information in their preferred format.
Explore paperless, instant, accurate
You can subscribe to UniLink universal EDI for a fraction of what it costs to process paper documents. UniLink estimates that a typical paper invoice can cost $12 or more to process, while the same document can be translated and transmitted with UniLink universal EDI for much less.
Instant transmission brings new opportunities to supply chain management. Machine-accuracy means less costly errors, and less to worry about.
Explore using the software and systems of your choice
Standard EDI and eInvoicing can require you to purchase new software, invest in training, and change the way you are used to doing things. Because UniLink performs complex mapping and translation tasks, UniLink universal EDI is invisible to the user, allowing you to continue using your software and hardware. "Hit print" and we do the rest, capturing your document, bridging to your trading partners, and delivering instantly.